Lore (pronounced Lor-ee) is a writer, a designer, and an artist. She is one of the most wonderful people I know, and also one of my closest friends. Her blog,
Sayable.net is definitely worth checking out. These days she calls Texas her home, but we met while she lived here in Tennessee attending
Lee University. We headed out this past Saturday for this photo-shoot and we only had to drive a few miles down the road for this great location. The cool thing about Tennessee is there's plenty of open fields with flowers. In our case, thistles : ) But pretty thistles nonetheless. We had such a fun time, laughing and cutting up, enjoying the outdoors, the sun and the beauty. Shoots like this are why I love being a photographer.
Shot with a 30D, 50mm 1.4 and a 32" Quantaray Light Reflector